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How to Achieve Good Cybersecurity for Small Businesses

Updated: Nov 24, 2021

Small businesses are incredibly vulnerable to different cyberattacks. Whether it’s phishing or a virus that can corrupt your network, any data that your business holds could be compromised and taken advantage of by different hackers. This doesn’t bode well for the brand, nor for the customers and business partners.

It’s important to have working cybersecurity as much as possible, especially in this day and age where we’re more reliant on the digital space for our operations, transactions, and information storage. Here’s a quick how-to guide on achieving good cybersecurity for small businesses:

1) Update Software

The business’s software will often get patch updates that will help improve its function. It’s important to automate these updates to get them on our electronic devices right away to gain security patches that are up to date. Some old software patches may not be able to protect the business as effectively as those new ones, so stay alert and set up the updates.

2) Provide Training

Every person who will be accessing and handling the network that your business has should be fully informed about the proper cybersecurity protocols. Human error and negligence are often the cause of faulty security in cyberspace, so be sure to eliminate this reason as much as possible by preparing and providing training.

3) Have Strong Passwords

Authentication such as strong passwords would be great protection against hackers and cyber attackers who want to waltz in and threaten your network. It’s ideal to have long and strong passwords that would be hard to figure out and guess. Make it a practice to change the codes regularly as well.

4) Run Risk Assessments

Small businesses should also conduct risk assessments to review their cybersecurity processes. Any what-ifs should be tested to see whether your business’s data and the system is truly secure from any attacks. Fix whatever vulnerabilities show up when those risk assessments are carried out.

5) Limit Admin Access

Accessibility should always be limited to those within the small business as is, but there’s another method that can help in minimising any data breaches. Admin access or full-on access to the network should only be given to specific people since they gain more abilities in handling the business data and system. If they don’t need admin access, provide regular access instead.

6) Secure the Network

Secure the wireless networks as best as you can by utilising a VPN. Virtual private networks will allow employees to connect to a company’s private network, which is great for small businesses that may have their employees working remotely. Plus, a VPN’s ability to encrypt data safeguards the network even if the employee uses a public internet connection.

7) Seek Out Insurance

Lastly, it’s ideal to seek out cyber insurance for your small business. Any brand that’s selling or operating online will need proper financial protection in case anything does get compromised, causing some setbacks on your finances as a result. With insurance, you’ll be able to carry out your business without worrying about extortion, crisis management costs and more.


Cybersecurity can take several steps, but it’s a must in today’s age where everything is happening online. Strengthen your defences and get the proper cover that will ensure that your business is as fully protected as it can be.

In need of cyber protection insurance? New Wave Insurance on the Gold Coast, QLD, can help you find the right insurance for your assets, businesses and vehicles. Get in touch with us today!

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